
As part of our commitment to promoting equity within our sector, Hospice UK is committed to understanding the barriers faced by LGBTQ+ people when accessing end of life, hospice and palliative care.

In particular, we are working to identify ways to improve palliative and end of life care for trans and gender diverse people.


Trans and gender diverse people’s access to and experiences of palliative and end of life care

Our report, “I just want to be me”, identifies ways that palliative and end of life care can be improved for trans and gender diverse people.

It highlights the perspectives and experiences of trans and gender diverse people and the people close to them , which they shared with us through surveys, interviews and wider conversations. It also includes insight from LGBTQ+ organisations – including a project partnership with GIRES and Stonewall - and more than a hundred individuals working in palliative and end of life care.

In the report, we have made key recommendations about what government, health and social care leaders, hospices and other palliative care providers can do to make end of life care more equal and accessible for everyone. We also share some practical tips for those who are caring for trans and gender diverse people.

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Book and journal review

“It is not one group versus another but rather, how can we make sure we provide the best care for all.”

From "I Just Want To Be Me" report,

Attributed to Dr Ellie Kane, Consultant in Palliative Medicine

Further information


You might find these sources of information about palliative and end of life care for people from LGBTQ+ communities helpful.

ACCESSCare for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people approaching the end of life
Cicely Saunders Institute, University of Nottingham

A project aiming to improve demand for and supply of palliative care for people who identify as LGB and/or T and are in the later stages of a life-limiting illness.

Being Ready

A project set up to address the needs of trans and gender diverse people during all stages of dying, death and bereavement. Phase 1 included the survey which formed the basis of our report.

Provider Pack: Breaking down barriers to LGBTIQ+ inclusive cancer care
Live Through This

Booklet combining core training and information from the UK’s only LGBTIQ+ cancer charity.

The route to success in end of life care – achieving quality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
NHS England

A practical implementation document aiming to address end of life care needs in relation to LGBT people.

I am your trans patient
Emma-Ben Lewis, Ben Vincent, Alex Brett and Sarah Gibson

What Your Patient is Thinking journal article where transgender authors share their experiences of healthcare and the important messages they would like doctors to know. British Medical Journal article.

If we’re not counted we don’t count: Good practice guide to monitoring sexual orientation and trans status 2021
LGBT Foundation

Guide explaining how monitoring plays a large role in identifying and addressing inequalities. It also contains updated guidance, tips and case studies.

Contact us


For more information about this work please contact our Policy, Advocacy and Clinical Programmes team.

Image: courtesy of In-Press Photography via The Centre for Ageing Better