
The Hospice Community Engagement Network is for people who work in community engagement roles in hospices across the UK.

Community engagement roles include a variety of skills and cover a range of services and events but this group is specificially for people involved in client service development and delivery.

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About the Community Engagement Network


The Network provides a safe space where hospice community engagement workers can come together to: 

  • share experiences and learn from each other's practice 
  • celebrate a complex and sometimes isolated role 
  • talk openly about opportunities, challenges and solutions 
  • learn about hot topics 
  • think about what's happening outside of the hospice community that can impact on our work. 



The Hospice Community Engagement Network is led by: 

  • Lollie Brewer, Community Engagement Nurse for Community Services, Cornwall Hospice Care 
  • Jacky McBlain, Community Engagement Lead, LOROS 
  • Kath Rooksby, Senior Manager, Personalised Care & End of Life, NHS England South West



The Hospice Community Engagement Network meets every quarter via MS Teams. 

Meetings in 2023/24 will be held on: 


Date Time
22nd November 2023 13:00-14:30
28th February 2024 13:00-14:30
22nd May 2024 13:00-14:30
29th August 2024 13:00-14:30


Online discussion


The Hospice Community Engagement Network has an online discussion group via MS Teams. This enables members to ask questions, discuss issues and get peer support at any time. 

Meeting agendas, notes and useful resources are shared via this channel.

A stock photo of a keyboard with the word Register displayed on one of the keys

Join the Community Engagement Network

We welcome people in community engagement roles who work in any hospice setting. 

Register now

Any questions?


For more information about the Hospice Community Network, or to find out if it's right for you, please contact Lollie Brewer.

Useful resources


Each nation of the UK has its own guidance on healthcare approaches to community engagement.

Read our summary of the policy and guidance relating to palliative care in the UK.


Image: courtesy of In-Press Photography via The Centre for Ageing Better.