
There are a wide range of corporate sponsorship opportunities available at this year's in-person Hospice UK National Conference, which takes place from Monday 6th November - Wednesday 8th November 2023 at Liverpool's ACC.

About the National Conference


Each November we host over 700 delegates from across our network of 210 hospices. In addition to a wide range of clinical staff, we also have a high percentage of CEOs and senior decision-makers in attendance.

Benefits of sponsorship


As a sponsor, you'll gain access to senior decision-makers, a high percentage of CEOs and a wide range of clinical staff.

Benefits for all sponsors include: 

  • join any of the conference sessions
  • a wide range of networking opportunities, such as a drinks reception and dedicated exhibitor hour
  • extensive promotion of your attendance at the event, via social media and other communications channels
  • a listing on the sponsors’ page of the conference website.

Conference Sponsorship package comparison

  Gold Silver Bronze (premium) Bronze (standard)
Stand size 3m x 3m 3m x 2m 3m x 2m 3m x 2m
Stand position Prominent location in exhibition hall Prominent location in exhibition hall Premium location overlooking centre of hall Standard location in exhibition hall
Conference passes 3 2 2 2
Conference parallel session 30 minute speaking slot sponsored & branded;
highlighted in handbook;
pull up banner on stage
n/a n/a
Pre-recorded video message 2 minute video played online and at event 2 minute video played online only n/a n/a
Conference handbook advert full page advert half page advert n/a n/a
Access to delegate list 2 weeks prior 1 week prior 1 day prior 1 day prior


£8,500 + vat


£5,500 + vat


£4,000 + vat


£3,600 + vat

Plenary 6 screenshot

Conference videos

The 2021 Hospice UK National Conference was held in Liverpool, and featured some great presentations. Watch a selection of these videos here.

Watch now