
Patient safety is a key domain of quality in hospice care. Quality indicators are useful to demonstrate safe and harm free care. 

What is the Patient Safety Project?


The Patient Safety Programme at Hospice UK comprises of 3 components:

  • Quarterly webinars
  • Quarterly bulletins and 
  • Quarterly inpatient incident data collection. 

The data collection aims to inform your quality improvement activities. The data will be aggregated and presented on a quarterly basis.

The data collection comprises of three core patient safety metrics: 

  • Falls
  • Pressure Ulcers 
  • Medication Incidents

See our Patient Safety metric definitions below (these were revised on 4 May 2022 following feedback from hospices in the Community of Practice). 


Patient Safety Clinical Incidents Definitions

Hospice UK Patient Safety Clinical Incidents Definitions

How does the project work?


Following a submission deadline, Hospice UK will issue a report with the Hospice self reported data and the aggregated data set.

The project runs on an annual cycle commencing in April. Reports are published quarterly. 

Important dates for 2023/24: 



Submission deadline

Final reports circulated


Apr, May, Jun

14 July 2023

28 July 2023


Jul, Aug, Sep

13 Oct 2023

27 Oct 2023


Oct, Nov, Dec

12 Jan 2024

26 Jan 2024


Jan, Feb, Mar

12 Apr 2024

26 April 2024

How to submit data


Submission is straightforward. Hospices are sent a unique set of links to secure online forms where the data can be submitted. The systems and processes surrounding the submission and reports are fully automated, so the timing and accuracy of hospice submissions is vital.

Each hospice is responsible for their data submission. Hospice UK treats an individual hospices' data with strict confidence.

Submission links are sent via email, or you can request a copy of the submission links.

How to join: Patient Safety project & network


Please join the Patient Safety project. We already have over 120 inpatient units submitting data to Hospice UK, but would ideally like to capture data from all UK hospices.

By joining our Patient Safety network you’ll be able to discuss the patient safety measures and ideas on how to improve patient safety.

Webinar resources


We will email you invites to future webinars.