Working out whether you need to pay for care can be complicated, as it depends on the type of care that is needed, where you live, and personal circumstances. This page has information and links to guidance.
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When to pay for care
When it comes to for paying for care, there are different rules depending where in the UK you live. For information about paying for care where you live, visit these websites:
- England: Carers UK – paying for care and support in England
- Wales: Paying for care and support in Wales
- Scotland: Care Info Scotland
- Northern Ireland: Carers Trust – Carers support service Northern Ireland
You might decide you want to pay for care from an independent provider. To find a care provider near you visit the Which? directory
Financial help to pay for care
You might be able to get financial help towards the cost of care. This will depend on where you live and your circumstances. Financial support could come from your local authority or through government benefits.
Certain charities might provide financial help. There is list of charities that support people with end of life conditions and their carers on the Which? website
The following websites have more information about how to get financial help:
If you live in England and Wales you can apply for a needs assessment to find out what help and support you need, such as getting someone to help with washing or dressing. Find out more on the government’s website
The NHS might pay for care in some cases. Visit NHS continuing care and NHS-funded care for more information.
Visit Help with paying for care and support
If you live in Scotland visit the Citizens’ Advice page on how to get social care services, which contains information about benefits and concessions.
Northern Ireland
Visit the Northern Health and Social Care Trust’s page on financial support for patients and carers