


Date: 3 May 2022
Time: 10am
Organised by: University Hospitals Birmingham
Email address:

Address: Cattell Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B9 4RL

Website URL of event: n/a

More information


Dying Matters week this year is entitled "What does it mean to be ~ in a good place to die".

As part of Dying Matters week UHB is hosting a conference at BCFC entitled ‘There’s no place like home?’

The conference will explore pathways of care at end of life including the importance of advanced care planning and preferred place of care and death.

Speakers include Dr Kathryn Mannix palliative care consultant and author of ‘with the end in mind’ and ‘Listen’; to talk about her work with Hospice UK on ACP.

Tommy Whitelaw and his personal experience of caring for his mother at end of life and the importance of compassionate kindness. Nikki Archer to showcase the end of life and bereavement pathway educational tool she has devised, Dr Emma Hodges Group Chief Executive St Giles Hospice to present compassionate communities / compassionate cities charters, Kathryn Drysdale to share eol initiatives and projects within BSOL and much more.

We will also be celebrating excellence in end of life care provision with recognition of staff who have been awarded certificates of recognition for end of life care.

During the conference we will be hearing from:

  • Dr Kathryn Mannix - Palliative Care Consultant / Author. Presenting her new planning ahead tool – with the expectation that all present will sign up to completing it
  • Dr Alexis Paton - Lecture Co-Director, Centre for Health and Society at Aston University/Chairs of the ethics committee for the Royal College of Physicians. Discussing research collaboration
  • Dr Emma Hodges – Group Chief Executive St Giles Hospice. Talking about compassionate communities and compassionate cities including film launch
  • Tommy Whitelaw – Inspirational speaker. Reflecting on caring for his mother with Dementia at end of life
  • Kathryn Drysdale - Senior Integration Manager: Frailty BSOL CCG. Sharing projects on EOL across the region
  • BCHC and Solihull community DN and palliative care representatives to share pathways and initiatives and pathways for hospital avoidance and end of life discharge
  • Jan Hipkiss - End of Life Personal Health Budgets lead hospice charity partnership. talking about the pilot service for BSOL
  • Nikki Archer - Support Care Director St Giles. Exploring End of Life and Bereavement pathways.