


Date: 2-6 May 2022
Time: all week
Organised by: Powys Teaching Health Board

Email address:

Address: c/o Bronllys Hospital, Bronllys, Brecon, Powys, LD3 OLU

Website URL of event:

More information


From 2nd - 6th May, Powys Teaching Health Board, PAVO, Bracken Trust and Improving Cancer Journey Team in Powys are supporting #dmaw2022 as a partnership in Powys.

There will be a mixture of online social media promotion, face to face exhibition and videos.

We will start the week promoting a video of a relatives story and experience of end of life care in Powys via PAVO and we will have themes each day.

We will be promoting:

  • bereavement support via PAVO;
  • promoting DMAW webinars;
  • by appointment F2F signposting sessions at Bracken Trust Cancer Support Centre;
  • Promoting the importance of Advance and Future Care Planning utilising the Powys Teaching Health Board ACP documentation;
  • information guidance to support honest conversations about death, dying, and who would speak for you if you were not able;
  • and finally a newly launched video on the 6th highlighting carers story of end of life care with thanks from CREDU.