


Date: 3 May 2022
Time: 6pm
Organised by: Durham Funeral Celebrant

Email address:

Address: Bean Social Cafe, 53 North Road, Durham City, County Durham, DH1 4SF

Website URL of event: n/a

More information


Durham City Death Café is a friendly talking space, hosted by funeral celebrant Annette Jeffrey and funeral director Helen Charlton Tilder. 

We're looking forward to a relaxed evening of free-flowing conversation about life, death and all the surrounding issues. 

Our venue is a cosy cafe known for its fabulous coffee and cake! (Refreshments are available to purchase throughout the evening.)

Please note that this is not a bereavement support event, but an opportunity to share thoughts, ideas and experiences within a safe, confidential and friendly setting.

Each Death Café is different, due to the unique dynamic created by those present. The only constants are good quality conversation around death, and cake.

Oh, and there's a good chance you'll leave feeling enlightened, enriched, and even perhaps, empowered by the experience.

While this is a free Death Café, booking is absolutely essential, due to the small scale of the event. Please contact Annette or Helen to discuss the evening, and book your place.