
Compassionate Employers is our workplace wellbeing programme, helping organisations look after their people and support employees through grief, dying and caring.

Do you know how to support a bereaved employee?


Our colleagues are important to us. After all, we spend the majority of our lives with them.

But not every manager is prepared when someone they manage tells them that they, or a loved one, has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, or has suddenly died. 

It can be hard to know what to say or how to say it. What would you do? 

It can be one of the most challenging moments of any manager’s career, which is why only 17% of managers say they feel very confident supporting an employee if they had experienced a bereavement at work.

Wellbeing in the workplace: a worrying statistic


Being unprepared for grief in the workplace could also lead to other problems for your organisation: 77% of 18-34 year olds say that they would consider leaving their job if they didn’t get proper support when bereaved at work.

Ultimately, not having the right support system in place for these scenarios could cause you and your organisation to lose valuable talent and experience reputational damage.

As a Compassionate Employer you can help people feel confident and comfortable approaching managers and HR, knowing that they will help. HR can make information and support easy to find, and be ready to talk through the practical implications of the options available

Here to help: our workplace wellbeing programme

Imagine knowing that there is a dedicated wellbeing support system at your workplace specifically for employees, managers and HR professionals, where you can:

> feel confident and capable of supporting your staff in challenging and emotional situations

> get advice and support from bereavement experts to help your staff through grief, caring responsibilities or a life-changing diagnosis

> benefit from 24/7 online access to resources and dedicated expertise.

Our Compassionate Employers programme


Hospice UK’s Compassionate Employers Workplace Wellbeing programme is designed to give you all of the tools and knowledge you need to feel able to support your staff.

As the national charity for hospice care, the money raised from providing the programme goes back into funding our brilliant hospices around the UK to enable them to keep providing end of life care to everyone who needs it.

"Supporting our employees’ overall wellbeing is fundamental to our diversity, equity and inclusion strategy. We are pleased to participate in Hospice UK’s Compassionate Employers programme.”

- Sarah Boddey, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, Northern Trust

You can be part of the national movement to support employees by creating compassionate workplaces everywhere. See how the programme has already made a huge impact on people who work with us: [click to play video]

95,000 employees reached stat

Employees supported by Hospice UK’s Compassionate Employers programme:

How the programme works: what you get


We build on your existing workplace wellbeing and employee support offer to help you join up policies, peer support and communications.

The Compassionate Employers programme will help you foster a proactive, positive environment where supporting a colleague is no longer awkward or uncomfortable.

Some of our members

Anchor is a Compassionate Employers partner
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight NHS is a Compassionate Employers partner
Shooting Stars children's hospice is a Compassionate Employers partner
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Compassionate Employers is a Business Charity Awards finalist in 2023
We are Business Charity Awards finalists