


Date: 4 May 2022
Time: 6.30pm
Organised by: huunuu

Email address:

This event takes place virtually.

Find out more and book a free place on this event.

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Everyday our digital footprint grows, and it can be helpful to collate your memories in one place.

During this workshop you will use to create your digital memory board. We will get you set up and share ideas which we hope will inspire you and get you started creating your own.

At the end of the workshop, we will show you how to add in friends and family to view and add to your memory board.

If you have anything in particular that you would like to add to your board, please have It ready to bring to the event. For example, you may have a favourite photo or poem. If it is in digital format we will show you how to upload it directly to your board otherwise you may want a physical item to describe or inspire you.

This event is donation only, to allow as many people as possible to join in the conversation. All donations received will go to Dying Matters In Essex.