


Date: 5 May
Time: 5pm

Address: Online event 
Organised by: School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield

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This free online Zoom webinar to be held during Dying Matters Week 2022 will explore issues of access and equity when it comes to making advance care plans (ACPs). Health professionals involved in end-of-life care across a variety of contexts and settings are welcome to join us, as is anyone considering how to make plans for their own future care.

The webinar will open with a series of reflections from carers who have supported someone through the planning process, followed by a Q&A with professionals from The Kirkwood (a hospice in Huddersfield, UK) who will share their experiences of using advance care plans in a hospice setting. As part of the event, we will also hear about findings from a recently completed research project which explored utilisation of advance care plans in hospices and care homes during the Covid 19 pandemic.

The webinar aims to be informative, inclusive, and honest, with plenty of time devoted to comments and questions from the audience. The Palliative and End of Life Care Special Interest Group based in the School of Human and Health Sciences at the University of Huddersfield is really pleased to be hosting this event. We extend a warm welcome to participants who want to attend to increase their knowledge about ACPs; to reflect on how issues of access might be shaping the ACP process in their work context; and to consider how what they learn can be used to make personal planning decisions or to inform/ change their professional practice.


Professor Ann-Louise Caress

Professor of Health Services Research.

Director of the Centre for Applied Research in Health (CARH) and Acting Associate Dean for Research Innovation and Knowledge Exchange. School of Human and Health Sciences. University of Huddersfield.

Dr Mary Turner

Reader in Health Services Research. School of Human and Health Sciences. University of Huddersfield.

Dr Julie Ellis (@JulieCarmel1)

Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Health and Illness. School of Human and Health Sciences. University of Huddersfield.

Deborah Hanson

Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative Care (Kirklees Care Homes Support). The Kirkwood.

Rachel Guest

Admiral Nurse for End of life Care (advanced dementia support). The Kirkwood