


Date: 2 May 2022
Time: 10am
Organised by: FEES Fund

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Find out more about this competition on the FEES Fund website.

More information


The FEES Fund 2022 Children's competition hopes the Fi Angel story will encourage conversations about death with children in schools, at home and in after school clubs and create the opportunity for children to become creative and show the hope that can follow sadness.

FEES Fund as a small charity recognises the importance of kindness, community support, aspiration and opportunity in helping to promote children's resilience.

The 2022 competition is based around an important symbol for FEES Fund, the Fi Angel, and can be undertaken at home, in school or in an after-school activity setting. It is open to children in two categories; ages 4-7 and 8-11, and information on the prizes and entry details are detailed on the FEES Fund webpage. The completion runs throughout dying matters week and until the 20th May 2022

To enter, children are invited to produce and submit one of the following, inspired by the Fi Angel story.

  • A picture or piece of artwork (submitted as a photo rather than the actual piece)
  • A poem (200 words max)
  • A story (500 words max)

​​The Fi Angel story (available on the website) tells a real story of a family's sadness after their daughter, Fi, died suddenly in a car accident. Soon after they met a kind woman who is also called Fi and who sells angels. The parents buy lots of Angels and give a Fi Angel to everyone who is feeling sad and needs an energy boost. The Fi Angels have been on many adventures and Fi's family love hearing about these adventure. Children are encouraged to write a story, a poem or draw a picture of a Fi Angel adventure.

FEES Fund is an enrichment education charity set up in memory of Fiona Braidwood providing grant so that children and young people (where money is tight) can take part extracurricular activities that support a love of learning.