


Date: 5 May 2022
Time: 2pm
Organised by: Holistic End of Life Doula

Email address:

Address: Marsden Library, Peel Street, Marsden, West Yorkshire HD7 6BW

Find out more and book tickets for this event.

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Preparing the way in supporting your loved one with "what matters most" to them at the end of life.

In this short workshop held at Marsden Library I invite you to explore how you can best support your loved ones at the end of life so they can feel they are "in a good place to die".

With gaps in support structures for people when they die, and for those that are left behind, people are dying without being in the right place. Often, people don’t feel prepared and they haven’t fulfilled their wishes or communicated them to loved ones.

This is an interactive workshop exploring how you can best support your loved ones with what matters most to them. It is not easy being with someone at the end of life and at a time when you are thrust into that position it can be difficult to know what to say or do. I will gently guide guide you in the most important aspects and share how to create a mini End of Life Plan with your loved one - getting their wishes in place for when the time comes.

This workshop is for anybody - you don't need to have someone in your life who is elderly or with a terminal illness. None of us will escape the death of someone close so when we prepare the way with these difficult and tender conversations it offers up loving gift, to you and them.

Drawing on my End of Life Doula skills and my experience in hospice it will be an opportunity to nurture your own inner doula. I will allow plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Just as it takes a community to raise a child so too does it take a community, a network of support, to walk alongside a person at the end of life and death education in the community is one step towards that.

This informal event is free but I would be most grateful for any pay-as-you-feel donations to cover room hire and any additional fees I incur. A donation pot will be provided on the day.

Tea and coffee will be available.

PLEASE NOTE: There are only 11 places available so please book early if this is important to you.

If you decide after booking that you can't make it after all please let me know as soon as possible so I can reallocate your ticket