
In the last six years, Simon Blake, Dying Matters Chair, has lost his brother, Andrew, and his mum. In this article, Simon speaks about what he has learnt through his experiences, and how we all need to change the way we talk about dying. 

We all have stories about death, dying and grief. By sharing our stories we pass on the rich learning and wisdom and we build communities better able to understand and manage their experiences.

In the last six years I've lost two people very close to me - my brother, Andrew, and my mum. While both of these experiences were different, and difficult in their own ways, what they had in common was the comfort and help that talking about their deaths gave me.

Simon Blake, Dying Matters Chair, speaks about his own personal experiences of loss, and why we have to change the way we talk about and deal with dying as a society.


I've learned so much about death, about grief and, as a result, about living, in such a short amount of time. And that's why I believe we have to change the way we talk about and deal with dying as a society. It’s about interrupting a culture of silence, and actively building a culture of openness, and also helping ourselves to be prepared for the inevitable moments.

There aren’t many things you can be absolutely sure of, but the death of those we love and ultimately our own death is one of them.


Our stories, whilst all unique, are all completely normal. And talking about them is important for all of us. It could help someone else in a similar situation. It could help us better understand what's happening for people at the end of life. Or, it could just help you and that is great too!

That is why we are asking you to share your stories.

Share your story

Real stories like Simon's help us to break down barriers around dying and death. We’re sharing our experiences so that anyone experiencing grief feels less alone. Will you share yours?

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