
Hospice launches musical tribute to nurses working during Covid-19


Sophie Andrews, 21, works in the hospice’s eBay team. When the UK’s lockdown began, her response was to write ‘Everything Will Be OK’, in which she sings about how she felt during the first few weeks of the pandemic, how much she is missing her loved ones and friends, and how you should never take them for granted.

Sophie said: “The song is about my feelings of loss and loneliness but also a tribute and a thank you to everyone who is working so hard during these awful times. Working for the hospice I wanted to write this also for all the nurses – they are working so hard at the moment, and to try and spread a bit of hope that we will come out of this.”

The track has an accompanying video with images of nurses as well as patients and families supported by the hospice.  

Helen Glenister, Isabel Hospice CEO, said: “I’d like to pay tribute to all the hospice staff for the amazing work they are doing at very difficult times for us all.  Sophie’s words capture what so many of us are feeling at the moment.”

Watch the video here

For more information visit Isabel Hospice